Disponibilitate stocuri !
Disponibilitatea afisata este orientativa.
Actualizarile se fac frecvent dar, oricât de mult ne-am dori, nu se pot efectua zilnic!
Disponibilitatea reala a produselor vă va fi comunicata telefonic.
Vom stabili impreuna daca din comanda pot fi expediate mai mult de 50% din produse si daca acceptati livrare partiala sau doar livrarea integrala
Please be clear about models / types and variations required
- any ambiguities can delay your order, and our staff cannot guess your ‘usual orders’
Our office is usually manned daily from 11:00 am -19:00 pm, Monday to Friday
Outside of these times, we are in and out of the office constantly, and will respond to emails and phone messages as soon as they are seen, so please do leave a message stating your requirements, or send an email.